NAPCRG 2019 Presentations
The TRANSFORMATION team was well-represented at NAPCRG 2019. Team members participated in a number of different presentations, including two TRANSFORMATION-specific presentations. Learn more at the NAPCRG 2019 page.
Meet our new TUTOR-PHC trainee: Morgan Slater
Morgan Slater is a postdoctoral fellow with the Department of Family Medicine at Queen’s University and part of the inaugural cohort of Health System Impact Fellows, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. She received her BASc in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo, a MSc in Community Health Sciences (University of […]
Meet our new TUTOR-PHC trainee: Jacqueline Kueper
Jacqueline Kueper is a PhD candidate in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University. Previously, she completed an MSc in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University and a BSc in Psychology and Interdisciplinary Life Sciences at McGill University. Jacqueline’s research interests include learning health systems, artificial intelligence, primary health care, and outcome […]
Meet our new TUTOR-PHC trainee: Wasem Alsabbegh
Wasem Alsabbagh received his bachelor of science in pharmacy from Damascus University, Syria in 2000. He received his Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) and Ontario pharmacist licence in 2006 and practised as a hospital pharmacist until 2008 when he started his PhD from the University of Saskatchewan. He received his PhD in pharmacoepidemiology and […]
Kudos & Announcements
One of our submissions to NAPCRG 2017 – Johnston et al., Citizen, Consumer, and Patient Roles in Using Publicly Reported Primary Healthcare Performance Information: Lessons From Citizen-Patient Dialogues in Three Canadian Provinces – has been selected as one of the 20 highest rated submissions from over 400 oral presentations.
Highlights: Transforming CBPHC delivery through comprehensive performance measurement and reporting
To date, the TRANSFORMATION Team has collected patient reported experiences, impacts and outcomes from 2000+ primary care patients in Central Zone, Nova Scotia, Eastern Ontario, Ontario and Fraser East, British Columbia; engaged primary care patients through deliberative dialogues in these three sites; and completed a policy document review assessing their guidance for innovations in CBPHC. […]
UBC School of Nursing seeking a Research and Knowledge Translation Manager
UBC School of Nursing seeking a Research and Knowledge Translation Manager for projects focused on health equity for marginalized populations. The closing date for applications is Sept 14, 2016. Apply online to Job ID # 24429 at the Careers at UBC website.
Simran Sahota joins the TRANSFORMATION team
Simran joins the TRANSFORMATION team as a student. Simran completed her undergraduate nursing program at Langara College. She has three years of experience working in acute care, primarily on surgical units. She is interested in health care systems research and health policy research. Simran is currently working on the Team Climate portion of the Practice-Based […]