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Accreditation Canada Research Fellowship

Accreditation Canada has two exciting Post-Doctoral Fellowship opportunities available. This is the first opportunity of its kind in Canada and will be of interest to those with a focus in the area of health service research and quality improvement.

CAHSPR Conference: Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts now open for the 2016 Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference. CAHSPR’s annual conference is Canada’s largest gathering of health care policy makers, managers, researchers, students and stakeholders. It will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Toronto, Ontario on May 9-12, 2016. Submit your abstract today! Important […]

CHSPR Conference: Call for abstracts

Conference Theme: Why are some policies healthy and others not? CHSPR’s twenty-eighth annual health policy conference will celebrate the career of Canada’s Undisciplined Economist, and our very own, Robert G. Evans. We are excited about our amazing line up of speakers. Why is it so difficult to improve our health care system? Good policy ideas […]

Oct. 2015 Team Meeting

Our annual face-to-face team meeting will be held this year on Oct. 5th-6th at the Kingbridge Conference Centre in King Jane City, Ontario. We are looking forward to an engaging two days with our decision-makers and investigators, as well as other interested policy makers. We will be sharing initial data from two our of sub-studies, […]

Call for researcher and decisions-maker applications to the TUTOR-PHC program

Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research – Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) is a one-year, pan-Canadian interdisciplinary research capacity building program that has been training primary and integrated health care researchers and decision-makers from family medicine, nursing, psychology, epidemiology, social work, education, policy and many other disciplines since 2003. This is a well-run and high quality […]


Drs. Sabrina Wong and Alan Katz’s NAPCRG presentation, Continuity of Care: Does Having the Same Primary Care Provider Over Time Matter, has been featured as a NAPCRG Pearl of 2014. The NAPCRG Pearls are the top research studies presented at the NAPCRG Annual Meeting that will impact clinical practice. Sabrina and Alan examined whether high […]

Invitation for PHC providers to participate in a research project

ACT-PHC is a pan-Canadian research project (with leadership in Ontario and British Columbia) evaluating the actionability* of primary health care (PHC) performance indicators for different professions providing primary health care in interprofessional teams. The aim is to increase the understanding that team members have of other team members’ scopes of practice and potential roles. We […]

CIHR 12 CBPHC Teams’ Common Indicator Project

The 12 CIHR CBPHC Innovation Teams’ working group is working on developing a set of common primary health care indicators. The working group is co-chaired by Drs. Sabrina Wong and Jeannie Haggerty with representation from all 12 teams. The group has thus far identified several dimensions important in primary health care: access, comprehensiveness, coordination, effectiveness […]

Members funded to develop and disseminate a health equity toolkit

A team led by Drs. Annette Browne and Colleen Varcoe, co-applicant Dr. Sabrina Wong, from the UBC School of Nursing have been awarded a $10,000 Planning and Dissemination Grant from CIHR’s Institute of Health Services & Policy Research. This project brings together researchers, policy makers and leaders from health care organizations to improve upon and […]

Published article

Falconi M, Johnston S, and Hogg W.’s article, A scoping review to explore the suitability of interactive voice response to conduct automated performance measurement of the patient’s experience in primary care was recently published in Primary Health Care Research & Development. To see article, click here