Study 1

Comparisons of regional primary health care performance and healthcare equity

Study 1 will compare PHC performance measures and healthcare equity between each of the three study locations.

Phase 1: Identification of complex, vulnerable patients


Jeannie Haggerty, Rick Glazier, Kim McGrail, Jean-Frederic Levesque, and Sabrina Wong.


To identify a set of characteristics that can be combined into an index that can predict patients who have excess risk of fragile health and negative healthcare events because of social characteristics.


The index will be developed by secondary analyses of an existing longitudinal database containing both survey and health administrative data from a 3-year cohort of 2,400 Quebec adults aged 25-75 years.

Phase 2: Creating regional primary health care performance portraits


Kim McGrail, Alan Katz, and Rick Glazier.


This phase describes and compares primary health care performance in the study locations.


Consultations in Study 3 will identify the most relevant information for various stakeholder groups and their preferences for how to report measures of performance at the regional level.